
How to study? How to search info?

Short answer - google for it. And the word "google" here is meant to be a verb.
(Actually, that could be a modern synonym for the verb "to study".)

It is usually defined as not very good resource of any kind of info. It is often called a pile of .. let`s say polite - "excrete". But some valuable pearls can be found inside of it. You just have to learn to see and fine them.

  1. Search engines. I suggest Google. Define the keyword you are looking for. Try to figure out  at least few keywords from the topic you`ve been given. Think about synonyms, maybe there are some other ways how to define chosen keywords.
  2. Add the word "explained" together with the topic. For example - "luminescence explained"  could give you more sophisticated and better results than "luminescence" alone.
  3. Images! Keep in mind that Google can do image search. Physical laws or principles of operation (of anything) can always be described graphically and for most of the people graphical explanations are more explainable. Try - light spectrum types, mass spectrometer, beer-lambert`s law
  4. File-types. There is more about Google. You can specify the file-type. There are a lot of presentations accessible online and presentations usually contain nice schematics, images and most important text related with the topic. How to search for specific file-types? Add filetype: and the 3-letter file abbreviation. For example - electrocardiography. How about specific scientific paper you should pay $$$? Maybe full version is already uploaded somewhere online? Let`s try - Efficacy and safety of tap water iontophoresis for palmoplantar hyperhidrosis. Or maybe some free mp3`s
  5. Wikipedia is not always the best place from where to take the info:
    1. It is often written too complicated, especially if there is some mathematics involved. It usually gives you the "material" but no knowledge and understanding;
    2. Sometimes the info can be misinterpreted by the author or just incorrect. Especially, the non-english wikipedia.
  6. There is one good thing about Wikipedia - it can give you following suggestions what to look for; remember - when you are reading wiki-articles; keep this thought in your mind - "What keywords are hidden here I could look up?"
  7. More resources? In the slideshare.net you can find plenty of lectures. You only need... keyword!
  8. Even more resources? coursera.org is... awesome! It has free high quality online courses available (about almost everything). The only issue is - you have to wait for course to start and all materials will be released gradually during the overall length of chosen course. 
  9. Even more resources? Well, I have heard about e-books in some Swedish made website... unfortunately, the co-founder that website, Peter Sunde, was arrested, but... the website is still up and running. Maybe there are some other rapid sharing web services available as well? Who knows... ;)
Short summary here - books and scientific journals and teacher`s materials. It turned out that plenty of books you can find through... internet. Legally.
  1. Teacher`s materials. Look for them inside of teacher`s folder
  2. e-studies. Check it out! Start with course topics and description. University must have defined the main literature. If you cannot find it, ask your teacher for it.
  3. University electronic library. Universities often have access to online libraries. 

IMO The  Google and Youtube are the best teachers in the world. You just have to learn ask them proper questions and filter their answers.

There is no excuse of not having materials in my classes. It is called laziness and unwilling to google.. err.. I mean - to study.

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