
Nuendo: Add keyboard shortcut to Normalize

 Under File -> Key Commands you can find/manage all keyboard shortcut commands.

Here I remap "N" from "Locate next event" to "Normalize", because I can do locating quite easy with mouse.

 Firstly I have to get rid of "N" for Locate Next event. Firstly in the field "Type in Key", type in the chosen key. Press "Select" and it will open up according function on the left panel and click on it. The function is selected and you can remove shortcut.
Now when you freed up chosen key, navigate to the function you want to give this key, type it in the "Type in Key" field and assign. The key will show up in "Keys" textbox.

Nuendo: Import multiple tracks altogether with correct timing

The story: I help to record some instruments in my home and then I would have to send all recordings to the studio to combine with other tracks.

The question: What is the best way how to import/export recorded tracks?

The easiest way how to import multiple tracks altogether is "import track archive"

One step back. What is track archive? When you do "Export multiple tracks", it creates separate folder with all your selected tracks and parts. One more thing what happens during exporting is Nuendo creates an xml file. This xml file is like a map which consists all information about in which track goes which sound file and in what time it starts. Basically, this is what you are going to import - this is track archive.

Browse to that xml file and open it.

Select all or few tracks from dialog box, choose whether you copy or use media directly from that folder (important, if you work with SSD drive, can speed things up a little bit when working with million tracks)

Press OK and here you go - all colors, extended information about fading and which parts are muted, etc. imported in Nuendo in other computer in different place.

Nuendo: save as mp3

Yeah, that`s right. MPEG 1 Layer 3 File stands for MP3.