
Presentation of Baltic arthesian basin version V1

Today I had an opportunity to present my research results in this presentation. And additionally the local television company LNT took an interview. Of course, emotions are wide enough, as it was my first time to speak on such high class auditory. (After the presentation I loose my focus and... here comes the TV...).

The aim of this project is to develop the human resources which would be able to solve fundamental and practical scientific problems related to groundwater characteristics and resources.

The main result is the integrated mathematical model system which allows quantitatively and qualitatively modelling groundwater

Additionally the impact of climate change on groundwaters has been studied allowing to estimate and predict possible danger of climate change.
And this last topic is where I am personally interested in and working with.
Currently the observations has been summarized and one freely chosen climate model projection used to characterize the future period.

The presentation can be downloaded from here.
And the demonstration can be seen here.

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